23-24 School Accountability Report Card available now SARC is available online now and you can come to the school for hard copy
Estamos Unidos - Charla con el Director Únase a nosotros para obtener más información sobre el proceso y los procedimientos que LAUSD se esfuerza por seguir si alguna agencia solicita acceso a nuestro sitio, nuestros estudiantes, o registros.
Family and Community Recovery Guide Guide designed to provide valuable information and resources during natural disasters.
Family Reunions The Educational Transformation Office of BSAP invites you and your family to the Region Family Reunions. Save the dates!
Language in Action Program (LAP) Acompañanos para un aprendizaje divertido y actividades practicas! Mira el bolante para nuestras siguientes fechas.
Kids take civic action projects to their neighborhoods Hundreds of students from schools across Los Angeles County will present their solutions for issues affecting their neighborhoods in front of stakeholders and local and state leaders.
District and School Parent and Family Engagement Policies now available online Here are the Title PFEPs for LAUSD and Global Studies, if you would like a hard copy please come by the Global Office
LASGS School-Parent Compact now available online This is a written agreement that outlines how a school, parents, and students will work together to improve student learning